Narcotic Withdrawal

Treatment is available to assist you in recovery!
Narcotics withdrawal can resemble the common cold, the flu, a mental illness, anxiety or depression. Depending on what type of narcotics have been used and various other factors such as severity of the addiction, level of drug abuse or individual health factors the symptoms of withdrawal can persist for just a few days or may continue lingering on for up to 3 months. Many of the psychological elements associated with narcotics withdrawal such as depression, anxiety or nightmares can persist well past 90 days causing a number of challenges for the recovering addict.
Narcotic withdrawal treatment is widely available to assist those who are addicted to these dangerous substances in overcoming both the physical and psychological elements of the addiction and in preparation for lasting recovery. Treatment often consists of inpatient therapy, individual and group counseling, behavioral therapy, outpatient or follow-up care and continued support in support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous.
Types of Narcotics & Withdrawal Treatment
The method of treatment that will work best for your narcotic withdrawal symptoms will depend on the types of narcotics that you are addicted to. The most commonly abused narcotics include cocaine, opiates, prescription painkillers and similar substances. The treatment for each type of withdrawal differs as the reaction that the body has to a lack of each drug is very different.
People who are addicted to cocaine will need treatment for the lack of energy that they have when they quit using, treatment for the mental lack of stimulation that they feel and contingency management to help rebuild their intrinsic reward system which is damaged by the use of cocaine and other stimulant narcotics.
People who are addicted to opiates or prescription painkillers may need treatment for pain as well as treatment for the withdrawal symptoms that they are feeling. The symptoms of withdrawal from opiates include runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, bone pain and various other side effects that are best treated with mild sedatives and plenty of rest. Opiates also affect the intrinsic reward system so long term psychological counseling will also be necessary in most cases in order for an addict to completely recover.
Help for Narcotics Withdrawal
If you or someone you know is addicted to narcotics, there is help! While you may think that withdrawal is an impossible challenge that you cannot possibly overcome, you are wrong! Treatment for withdrawal, and many of the symptoms associated with the withdrawal, is available to assist you in making a full and lasting recovery. Consider talking to a treatment professional today about your addiction, the symptoms you are feeling and the help that is available to make your recovery possible.